Fiero is what we feel after we triumph over adversity. You know it when you feel it – and when you see it. That’s because we almost all express fiero in exactly the same way: we throw our arms over our head and yell.

– Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal

Classrooms are learning environments that require structure and discipline.  Sometimes classrooms turn into passive knowledge transfer spaces.  In contrast, it is possible to involve emotions in the learning process by designing as part of the instruction Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi‘s feeling of flow and the gaming concept of fiero.

Flow is a feeling of progress, like being on train rails, in some exciting process.  This process can be learning, but it could be a physical activity or another pursuit.  Programmers sometimes lose the track of time when developing software, because they are so consumed with mind and emotion in the creative work.  This feeling of flow can be generated in the classroom as students collaborate together on an activity, which provides them immediate feedback.

Fiero is the feeling of accomplishment, the Soccer moment when the announcer screams “Go0000al” for a number of long seconds.  The physical response in students causes arms to be raised, they get up from chairs, and they scream out.  Fiero is associated with the release of dopamine in the brain.

Peer-instruction tools can be used to develop a gameful learning process, which produces flow and fiero.

More on Flow and Fiero